Tuesday, September 29, 2009

The Way You Make Me Feel

SOOOOO Guess what Imma be doin on Oct. 30, 2009?!!?!? And the incorrect answer would be getting ready for Halloween....

I just got MJ's This Is It movie tickets!
I know, not the same in the slightest to what This Is It could have been...but nonetheless I'm so freakin excited
I was freaking out when I saw that they had already gone on sale starting Sunday, Sept. 27. Which is two days ago. And then when I read that the tix had already been sold out in Los Angeles and San Francisco I started freaking out more. But then I went and thought...it's E-town. It def won't be sold out. And thank gorsh it wasn't. I mean I'm so excited. And I know I'm gonna be crying waterfalls. I feel bad for whoever is going with me (Hopefully A.B!) cause I'll be a wreck. I can't wait.

Don't make plans for me on Oct. 30, 2009
I've already got the best one.
A 1 hr and 51 min. date with my love <3

Monday, September 28, 2009

P.S Maple Long John

Why do people eat what is NOT theirs? You were supposed to be mine. I walked all the way there, and bought you for 51 cents. Am I not allowed a little happiness on a Monday? I guess not…For you were eaten recently by my brother. :l
I miss you already; you smelled so sweet. You were the highlight of my day. I was waiting until after supper to eat you, instead of after lunch, because then you would be that much more worth it. But I guess if I don’t write my name on something it’s “in public property” and apparently up for grabs. Ugh. Monday’s really do suck.
I hope a family member of yours will come home with me one day.

My Love.


Dear Maple Long John,

On the way walking home from Westmount just now I was thinking: I can't wait to go home and eat lunch and then have my doughnut. I'm so excited! ...Way more excited than I should be...


They don't really care about us

If you're gonna be a manager, of anything: a huge corporate deal, or just something independant, you should first learn how to be a manager.
Hm, like knowing for what times you should schedule different people at, and what people's availabilities are. Like not saying I'll call you in 2 minutes and then having someone waiting by the phone, then calling again and being told that the said manager is gone for a "smoke break". How RUDE.
Either handle the responsibilities of managing a staff or don't. Just don't screw me over if you can't.

Monday, September 21, 2009

It's Business Time

I hate employers that are crafty, sneaky, or manipulative. Ugh. Well I’m not sure how manipulative they are, but they are really taking advantage of my desperate-tism. Even in the interview they were like so you want ____ many hours? Ok. But what if some weeks you don’t get any? OBV I said, “Well, I guess that would be ok…But I would prefer to get ____.” I know…my fault for even saying that. But what else was I supposed to do?! It was either say that or not get a job at all :( And let’s face it, I need to feed my addiction. To keeping my closet gorgeous and one of a kind. So I called today to find out what my schedule would be like…And (this is only my 2nd week there; started on Friday) guess what! I don’t have any shifts. Not a single one. And the kicker “Are you happy with that?”, she asked. Seriously? Would I be? But of course I had to say yes. What else am I supposed to say? Of course not!? Outrageous!? Well I guess that’s the way the world has to work right now, with the economy the way it is. Kiss-ass and stay at a job you …loathe rather than be broke-ass and whiney (like I am right now :)
But now hopefully I will be getting (at least) some shifts at an old job. Whew it felt good to finally get it out there. I hope I really do get hours there; I know they’re fully staffed but a girl can dream right?

P.S. I kinda feel like I’m selling my soul when I go to work @ the new place.I’m pretty positive that’s not a normal thing….

Saturday, September 19, 2009

Watch this!!!

Cutest cat ever. End of story. Well not really the end, this is just the beginning....venture on...:

Sunday, September 13, 2009


Mm, Jason Segel & John Krasinski & Barack Obama & Barney Stinson & Marshall Eriksen & Seth Macfarlane & The Old (younger) John Dorian & Will Arnett & Amir Blumenfeld :) (...and maybe Seth Rogan too...) (OH and I know that two of them are characters but...damn)

Saturday, September 12, 2009

Let's bring you up to date

Sorry loves that I haven't written anything in the past while. I had of course planned to write on Tuesday. The first day of COLLEGE! But it was too...draining (for lack of a better word). It went by...not fast or slow...but made some new acquaintances...I think it's far too soon to call them friends haha but it would be sweet if that's what they turned into! My class isn't that big...about 30 people I'd say. Every class with them. Basically high school. Not that I'm complaining, but get this, there's only 2 guys! You know how it can be pretty refreshing to talk to a guy, after dealing with girl drama...? Well guess I'm gonna have to find em somewhere else. That sounds weird....
BUT Wednesday. The job interview at Aeropostale. It went by superrr quick and only a few questions asked. In the end I got the job! YAYA I'm finally employed! First shift starts Sept 18, 2009. Woooot.
I've only gotten a bit of hw in the past few days. Nothing major...just a worksheet or two, and some reading. I hope I can keep keeping up with it though :( :)

OH and Ashley and I went to FATBURGER on Thursday :P It was awesome....but so so so so so soooo expensive! I would def. recommend it as a treat. It's the old fashioned kinda deal. Milkshakes, and a jukebox. But I don't think I'll be goin again anytime soon lolol. Also! Went to Ikea and bought Ashley her first houseplant. We temporarily named it Yellow-Spotted Assorted Tropical...:) I know creative right? But anyway that's only for now. Her house is really starting to look like...a house! Who woulda thought? :P

I know that was a very "to-the-point" kinda entry. Hopefully I'll write something more witty and insightful before the weekend's up. If not....well...tis the life of a college-ier!

Sunday, September 6, 2009

Decided to break it

Brb turned into a ttyl. Sorro my peeps. Didn't mean to ditch you loyal followers like that!
But it was true, I was about to get some sort of serious burns if I had stayed on longer.

Today was Orientation. It was...actually not all bad! Isn't that the worst compliment? "Not all bad" just a little though. It was alright....met some new people that unfortunately I'll probably never see again...ate some "questionable" food...and accidentally on purpose went to TWO orientations!
So first was the morning Orientation, here's a quick break-down:
-Got there 1 hr early
-Took Campus tour to kill time
-Saw Jenna at the end of tour...but couldn't say hi!
-Met up with Jenna in le Gymnasium and had a friend for the day! Thank gosh
-Learned the ins and outs of the campus
-Went to a bbq
-Entered a scholarship draw
-Didn't win the scholarship draw
-Went upstairs to get Jenna a U-pass and whatnot...saw "Travel Program Orientation" sign...thought hmm sounds important...heard it was "highly recommended" from people paid to say so....so of course followed that.......
- Went to SECOND Orientation!
-Met people from program
-Had to sit through 2 1/2 hrs of more....orienting
-And another campus tour : l

So all in all...a boring useless day. I feel like I can give a tour of the place and my classes are only in one building!
School starts in...4 days....Not that I'm not excited, just not as excited as I was before. Now its just like, ok I'll take this until next September...and then what?? I miss the days when the farthest I'd think ahead was the next day for homework.
Something I've started to think about now though. After all the comments and opinions....Am I really doing the right thing? With Travel? Everyone has their opinion which hasn't fazed me in the past but all of a sudden today...What should I do after? Work? Get more of a business education? Switch program all together? What do to? I hate choice.

Saturday, September 5, 2009

I love college (well hopefully anyway)

How quickly 8 months FLEW by! Five Amazing months were spent in Hamilton...and now it's back to the ol' grindstone. Just saying that makes me cringe. Who came up with that...like I know it's very literal. Grindstone=tough work. But can't we give it some sort of fun euphemism?? Like back to the candy store....cause life is like a box of chocolates?
Anyway it's finally caught up with me. I postponed for a year but finally college has come to rear it's ugly head and bite me in the...behind. I think. I have no clue what it'll really be like. Actually I hope it'll be pretty sweet. Meeting new people and new high-jinx!

This is weird but I have to brb from this blogg. My laptop is TOO hot. Burning up for you baby.

Could it be...?

Note: This was a draft I just found lawlz, originally written June 26, 2008

I can't believe that Mac is really over :'(
Everyone was almost literally (or you know...literally) jumping for joy after the Social exam today
...but...I just cant....I love it. I'll miss it.
Even in 5 years, really I know it won't be like all the other times where I said I would but didn't....I loved Mac.

Anyway...Off to Toronto bright and early tomorrow


I just thought that on this momentous occasion I should write something.
Didn't anyone besides me notice that I started this in Sept. of grade 10???
End of an Era.
It just doesn't seem like it could've been in 2005 (!!!!!!!!!!!!!!) that we were the timid little grade 10'ers.

you're so damn hot.

this may seem kinda odd. but that's just me. anyway these guys are truly the "pinacles of ecstasy".(bwahaha) (by the way, they are not in order of hotness. there is no possible way that i could have the power to do that. but i guess that they are in a general order of hotness, not a specific one though remember)
- Jamie Cook
- Brad Pitt in Snatch
- Rob Lowe in The Outsiders
- Damien Kulash
- Pierce Brosnan in Remington Steele
- Noel Fisher in Godiva's
- "Bernard Black" (-he's a character--he sure is!) [a drunken, smoking, swearing, irish bookshop owner. could it get any better?]
- Teddy Geiger
- Jared Followill
- Sam Roberts
- Ed Speleers
- Danny Jones
- John Cusack in the 80's (The kind of guy who would rip your heart out and eat it just for PLEASUUUUUUUUURE!!!! ), and in Sixteen Candles[he's such a geek, hi-larious]
- Ben Taylor
- Matt Dillion in The Outsiders
- Zack Shephard-Oppenheim
- Jason Statham in Snatch
- Heath Ledger in A Knight's Tale
- Dave Williams
- Paul Betany
- Hugh Grant in Love Actually
- Rupert Grint
- Michael Cassidy in the O.C.
- Danny Bhoy
- Richard Fleeshman
- David Beckham
- Eric Dill
- Jamie Johnson
- William Moseley
- John Robinson
- Michael Owen
- James Dean in Rebel Without a Cause
- Jon Leguizamo
I'll add more when I spot 'em ;)