Friday, June 10, 2011

Where were we?

I think this is the longest break you and I have taken since we met.
I feel as if every new post is an apology for my previous absence...But I think you and I are better than that. I feel as we mature, our relationship matures with us. Right?

All that garbage basically means that I feel as if we can spend time apart and still come back together and everything just falls into place. Just how it was meant to be.

The only problem when you take a longer-than-usual break from someone there is always more to catch up on...and less to talk about. Unless you want details from every single day from the past almost 4 months (?! SERIOUSLY. WTF), it would be impossible to fill you in on everything. And even if you DID want that...I would like to NOT get carpel tunnel.
Long stories short:
- I like boys, but boys are complicated. However I'm more complicated that meets the eye, and 10x worse than any fella. I've started to feel bad for them.
- One important boy seems to be clinging to a spot in my brain and/or heart. And it's extremely lame. Wish I could shake him...maybe someday...but for now he's just another one that's messing me up.
- One important boy was all wrong for me, yet I liked him more than I could tell anyone. He liked me more than I would've thought. I turned him down, then still liked him, and while trying to show him that I cared I may or may not have lost his trust. Permanently. That's never happened before. What are you supposed to do after losing someones trust? I guess the coming months will (or won't) tell us.
- The most important boy right now and for the past while has been the most patient, funny and nice person I've met in a long time. And more surprisingly, it all seems pretty genuine. Not to be the height of narcissism, but I think this one might be TOO good for me. Actually. I'm pretty sure that's a good thing. No. It def is, but what it leads me to think is "After this year, and everything that's happened, how do I stay good enough?"
- I got's a new job. Dream job! I start this Monday...and it should be...interesting to say the least :)
- I'm going to Portugal, for a month this July/August! I feel as if I should settle for a while after that eh?
- OH! And I went to the Cayman Islands for 2 weeks. Love it? There was no other option :)

In VERY life has gone to the boys. And well...I suppose it's been quite a few years now that I've learned NOTHING. Oh boy(s).

Thursday, February 17, 2011


I forgot to mention. Boyz are lame. Don't fall for tricks. You and I both know you're too good for that.

Lonely Animals

I'm sure you've been down in the dumps as of late. I'll admit it now, I have been ignoring you. I'm sorry! But I swear, it's not my fault. And it's not you, it's me...and this other blog I've been seeing. It's getting pretty serious. I just hope you can be happy for us...I'll always be here. Around somewhere...but really, when the time is right for you, you should come visit sometime...
I think you'd really like it too... <3

Friday, December 31, 2010


HAPPY 2011 beauties!!
I think that 2010 was the one year that didn't feel as surprising when it was over, because so very much happened. Let me give you an idea:
Vampire Weekend
Costa Rica
OK Go (2nd time, met 1/2 the beautiful boys AND touched Damian <3 )
First Bar
First Bar in Canada
..Bar Star summer
Invited to a bar by a member of a band!
Met a lovely boy, that I still like after more than 1 week...! (Same boy as last post, in fact!! ;)

And of course, all of the little glorious memorable (and non-memorable haha) events in between made this year likely the best so far. I know I know. I say that EVERY year. But this time so much happened that I would be silly to say it wasn't the best by far. BUT I do have to add....2011 is already shaping up to be amazing: Going to Montreal 13-17 JAN, 20th Birthday..ugh, MBF concert and Hockey game 12FEB, Cayman Islands...dates pending now...But Oh. Babydoll. I can't wait.
And I promise, you won't ever fade into the background either. I will talk to you very soon.
I hope you had the best New Year's celebration possible and I can't wait to start this journey with you alllllllll over again!!

Thursday, December 9, 2010

Hey lordy lordy

Gad. You must think I should be locked away or spayed/neutured eh? But I'm just restless....and a douche.

I am newly smitten. Smoten? Smote? I like a fella, in short. I will speak no more so as not to jinx it this time...just wanted you to be in the loop my lovely.

I swear I will be writing more (and more detailed/interesting) posts v. soon <3

Have you been keeping up with so far?

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Hard Love

Have you noticed over the year (I KNOW, a whole year!) how schitzo I am? No? Well read the last post then read this one:

I'm so completely smitten. New boy than last, but so very smitten. 5 hours on the phone last night kinda pushed me over the edge. Staying up until 5am when waking up is required at 7.30am is not advisable...usually. There are extenuating (and too good to pass up) circumstances to take into consideration of course. Fun times are to be had tomorrow, with said smitten(ee?)(Is that how the tense works? Smittenee...? it does) I'm pretty excited, but as I am prone to do, will refrain from talking about it (shocker eh?); would like not to jinx it. That'd be a tale of unfortunate events (minus the s, since it's just the one...event...)

PS. I love you.
PPS. I think you'll find so very tasteful. Yes, finally, new blog up! :) Hope you love it like I do, like a little baby chick.

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Someone I can love

Some people really know how to bullshit. Just when you think your radar has been upgraded to foolproof and airtight, someone comes along to shit all over it. Thank gosh it wasn't literal, that would've been messier...physically. Emotionally, I'm filthier now than ever before.

Friday, November 12, 2010

Dog days are over

So I pretty much let the cat out of the bag about my (hopefully) new blog about musak that'll be starting tomorrow. First concert will be at the Starlite Room (my hangout...I WISH) where Shout Out Out Out, Christian Hansen and the Autistics, and the Whitsundays will be playing. I'm so crazy excited you wouldn't believe it if you saw it with your own eyes.

BUT, confession. I might, just might, be excited for tomorrow for more than one reason. See, there's this fella (doesn't every tragedy start off somewhere along those lines?). He's pretty darn cute, and well...honestly just all around lovely. WARNING: girly moment...and I'm not lying when I say he is literally everyyything I could've wanted. Which is the part that FREAKS me out. You know, they always say the things in life that are too good to be true are. Everyone always hopes they find an exception...but really, I'm hoping I'm like one of those lottery cases...where the person was at a dead-end job going nowheres in life playing the same numbers every week for 20 years and then one day BAM! $40 million+ winner. That fella would be my lottery winnings, IF I so happen to "win" for reals.

And I hope you weren't fretting too much when I told you I'd be starting another blog. You'll always be my first love (well, not really since I was with MSN spaces before thee)...but you will always be my most memorable. OH and haha kinda made a fakeout there...I'm still going to have this one up and running. Obviously! I wouldn't go through this much work (and typing) to just throw it all away. I believe we can make this relationship work with a little bit of effort, time and a whole lotta drama. Which you know, I am full of ;)

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

There's only music so that there's new ring tones

I've literally been up to nothing for the past while, in case you were wondering about my lack of posts. Or not...whichever.
BUT now everything has come at once and I feel like you need to be caught up! :
Start new travel job officially either next week or the 15th...Mood? Nervous
Grad on Monday...Mood? Nervous..and Sad
Get to see Christian Hansen and the Autistics, Shout Out Out Out, and the Whitsundays on Nov 13...Mood? Anxious, and Thrilled
Get to see Hollerado, and the Reason on Nov 14...Mood? See mood above
Get to see Dan Mangan on Nov 16...Mood? Curious and Excited

I'm not sure if you've noticed something with the last few points..they're all concerts...and so comes the most important and exciting (but not finalized) news of all...! I will hopefully be starting a brand new blog soon, all about music. I'll be reviewing the ridiculous amounts of shows that I always seem to go to, the CD's that I buy (yes I know it's 2010, and no one buys CD's), and the amazing bands that catch my eye. I should be starting right after the Christian Hansen show, and see how it goes from there! Hopefully all you loyal followers (don't be ashamed, I know you're out there) will follow me on. This will still my my au natural et personal blog, and I will try not to ignore it the best I can. BUT that being new yet-to-be-named blog will be most important for a least until I learn how in the world I'm supposed to write a non-biased blog on music...if you've read this site, you'll know what I mean...

Friday, October 22, 2010

Lazy Susan, turn yourself around

My total bad for ditching out on the past month, but you know I have a good reason. Scratch that, the best reason. As mention, extremely briefly, I was in the land of Oz, where dreams really do come true (or something less b.s-ey than that maybe).
Let's get right to the core: as always you missed me, as always I loved where I was, as always I came back, and as always I wish I could've stayed. Even more so this time because even though I've never visited the worst-off third world nations, I haven't really traveled to any other developed countries other than the one I live in and the one below.

Australia was just like home, but different. And in the best way possible. I thought it would be totally different. Like having accents and being on the underneath of the world, for a start. And then you realize, when you're there, that you're the one with the accent, the one who's foreign, the one who's interesting, and the one who is still right-side-up. It was being in the completely familiar world that I've been in for all my years, but somehow...better.

I'm not sure if it was better because time was fleeting, because it was new, or because it was just...better. But in any case, it was my first time but no way in hell will it be the last. It was the most eye-opening (which will sound exaggerated and lame I'm sure) trip I've been on thus far because I had had so many perceptions of what it would be like...But it was even better to find out that things don't have to make a 180 to turn you around.