Sunday, March 21, 2010

Replacement Girl

So, you know that "certain person" I mentioned? The one that is a sibling to my "significant other"??? Well I forgot to tell you an important part of this chapter. I am in a relationship with that certain someone now...on Facebook...that doesn't make it official does it...?

PS I swear it's just to make *their* ex-significant-other jealous. The only reason I'm going along with is is because I hate her equally...actually, probably WAY more. And she's pissed so...Yay :D
PPS Did I mention that I also used to..."be with" this certain person?? Not for real...really. It sounds strange..remember I said it was a long story? So this makes it more weird...Not to mention the fact that...the night before last this certain person was making some..not so subtle hints to me about..earlier times.

I'm SORRY. I know I'm being extremely vague and playing the teenager-ridiculously-confusing card...and I would mention names, really! I would, except that I'm not sure who's eyes see these messages...Best left unmentioned. Even though if lurking eyes did happen to read this they'd would know who they are anyway, if they are any of the the above-mentioned people.

Alright. I'll let your thought processes (thought that the plural? lawlz) rest for now. Until I have more info, or leads, at least.

Hey Boy

OK so I shouldn't have swore that I would write! But I've been busy...and not just in a "I want to see you but I'm so busy" way that a bf says to his annoying gf who won't leave him alone. But I really have missed you and been busay.

Guess WHAT!!!
The Vampire Weekend concert was last Sunday :) It was amazing!! The experience sucked...but they were so so good live! I couldn't believe that they didn't sound like other people who sing live...ahem...Avril Lavigne...(live or recorded, I suppose it's the same lawlz). Did I mention that VW brought their own chandeliers?! Mhm, three of them that would sometimes light up to the beat of the song :) Oh and their backdrop was a huge "Contra Girl" as I call her. The cover of their 2nd cd...except GIANT AND sometimes during a song her eyes would like up like an evil psycho robot!

Their opener was a girl (woman?) called The Blow. She was ...strange to say the least, but I'm pretty sure that's what she was going for. She was really good though, better than most guests. Listen to "True Affection" and you'll be in love too. (Hey Boy is reallyyy good too :)

On another note, SPRING IS TODAY! 11am! My favorite season (minus the bottom of your pants getting gross from slush); I heard birds today!!!

Oh and in case ANYONE is interested...A certain someone (N) has seemed to find their way into my life again. I don't think that I've mentioned this person on here...possibly ever :S But it's a long and complicated journey; the gist is that they screw me over tons of times but I'm "significant other-ed (:D)" with their sibling, therefore cannot get rid of them. And so when I am forced to start talking to them again I tend to get too attached...until they screw me over yet again (never seems to fail). And so the hideous cycle continues...Hopefully (I'm sure I say this every time) this time they'll be nice and not go back to the [insert DOZENS of expletives and derogatory terms here] ex-gf again.

MUSE is on the 29'th of March! It's supposed to be one of the greatest concerts in N. America...or the world...? Anyway that should be supa AWESOME. I really wanted to go to Simon and Garfunkel in May but guess what? Tickets start at $70(!!) and go to $550(!!!!??!!). So I guess I won't see them before they pass...(lawlz)

I think you're up to date now...

PS I am now a Costa Rica specialist! But still have to complete the research/attractions part of the report :(
PPS I am now a Israel specialist (which makes me more happy than Costa Rica haha, and I did it for fun)

Tuesday, March 16, 2010's the best time of the year

I LIED!!!! I can nay write today! Tomorrow. Swear.


Sorry peeps. I feel like a letdown since there have been no posts since...JAN 29?! Holy...mother of pearl. Not that any of you care..unless you are reading this, then good for you. You're making both of us proud right now. ANYWAY I mean to say that I will be writing tonight. Be prepared (like a boy scout, you never know what may happen here).

A sneak peek you ask? Vampire Weekend. That is all. Tune in later if you are curious

Even if you aren't curious I expect you to read it. I mean please. It's just common courtesy.