Friday, October 30, 2009

This Is It

Well, that was it anyway....

I must admit that I didn't cry as much as expected! Good thing...? I suppose. I just thought that the movie would be more "real", and not such a "concert experience". Honestly, it did look like the tour would've been more than I ever thought possible and just...amazing (which is a totally over-used word and sometimes just fits with what I'm trying to say!). I'm not going to ruin the movie...yet. I'll post tomorrow with a bunch of spoilers but for right now my arm is killing me (from the H1N1 shot I got on Wednesday. More about that later too. TRUST ME) and I'm tired AND I have to work tomorrow early, AND I'm trying to come up with more lame excuses but can't because...I....can't LOL

But in all the movie was sometimes just jaw-dropping. It is amazing what technology can do nowadays, but just plain sad to know that fans won't be able to really see what could have been. I can't wait to put the spoilers out tomorrow. There is just so much to talk about with the movie. It was, in all, happy moments though. It made it seem like MJ was really loving what he was doing. And he was so happy. As were his dancers and crew :) Anyway I can go on and on now or make you suffer and pine until tomorrow...unless you promise to give me all your Halloween candy tomorrow....ok....well....suffer and pine it is then.

Gone too Soon

I know that your hearts have ached for me for about a week. Sorry playa. School/Work have been craazaay but I missed you just as much as you missed me, trust me. Anyway, I guess you want me to get to the point of why I finally chose today to write...Well come on, you guys, you should know by now!


I know it came out on Wed. but don't blame me for being 2 days late! I still love him just as much and bought my tickets two weeks+ ago.

A part of me is worrying that a certain site claiming that the movie is not an accurate portrayl of his late few weeks/days is true. I hope it's not. It would be such a let down to know that they picked and chose only what they wanted the world to see from the 100+ hours of rehearsal footage.
At the same time, would it really be a good idea to "accurately" show him during his last few weeks (considering some reports that he was "frail", "sickly", and "skeleton-like"?? I don't believe those reports for a second; I mean come on did you see the rehearsal vids that they've put out so far? He looks amazing! I hope that this movie is not some big cover up to relieve guilty conscience and placate the public/fans.
Either way, MJ was the most amazing/talented performer/entertainer this world has ever/probably will ever see. I can personally say that with 100% confidence. There is no one that even comes close to his energy or creativity. It's still hard to believe that he could really be gone.

In the end....I'm just EXCITED. I got all ready, so that I can look good for MJ. How sad, right? Oh well, you know me by now, and I know you love me more.

Scotiabank Theatre. 6.45 pm. Friday Oct. 30. Be there or be ...not there. But if you're not you're missing out!

PS I have to write about this MJ book I'm reading. It's ridiculous, but for all the wrong reasons. It makes me mad...for all the wrong reasons. Tell you more later.

Monday, October 19, 2009

Monday, October 12, 2009

It was draining...

It only took me a collective 3 weeks (or so) but I finally "finished" my blog format! (Background, layout, fonts, etc. )
I say "finished" because it never really is with me. I always have to change something about it every once and a while. BUT I hope you all (the hopefully billions who read this...ahem) love it. I love it. :)

But more importantly, I hope you're loving the blog! If you're not...then my only consolation for you least you're not living it hahaha!

Taylor Swift & T-Pain together at last!

You out clubbin but I just make caramel delights! WORD YO!


Sunday, October 11, 2009

I'm thankful for...

Happy Canadian Turkey Day (aka Thanksgiving) everyone!
Yes, we know that it's different from American Thanksgiving, even though most of them do not...
So this is probably the only TG (Thanksgiving, b/c I don't wanna type it every time!) where I won't have Turkey, or Stuffing (my favourite :()
I miss solid food...they're the best kind haha
Anyway hopefully there will be left the time I'm better. I'm sure there will be b/c right now there are only 3 to eat the whole turkey.
Ashley came over today! It was awesome to actually have someone want to visit me when I look and feel...ugh. We basically creeped fb....and enjoyed it hahahaha I think I feel "less" guilty than if I'm creepin by myself lol
OH and I'm using this time to finally listen to my Spanish lessons. De donde es usted? Entiende? (Where are you from? Understand? - I bet I spelt that all wrong! LOL)

PS. I'm thankful for...Spanish lessons on the computer, bffs, tylenol 3's, baby name books to keep me busy, the internet, michael jackson's music, 30 rock, surf the channel (when it works), yahoo answers, blogs and much much more :)

Saturday, October 10, 2009

An MJ video I made :)

HEY EVERYONE! Check out this vid I made to Michael Jackson's The Way You Make Me Feel :)

You won't be disappointed ;)

Oprah & MJ Interview 1993

Start here, there are 8 parts.
Get to know someone, one on one, before judging them :)

Friday, October 9, 2009

Quote from Portait at Neverland Ranch

I am the thinker, the thinking, the thought.
I am the seeker, the seeking, the sought.
I am the dewdrop, the sunshine, the storm.
I am the phenomenon, the field, the form.
I am the desert, the ocean, the sky.
I am the Primeval Self,
In you and I.
--Michael Jackson

Oh Christopher Columbus, I don't know what you have to do with this.

So a menage of things. No a a trois you perverts ...well it might be, I haven't counted haha
1. I don't know if I wrote this previously but I have my first mid-term on Wednesday. It was brutal to study for cause it's one of two classes that has the MOST info. I know you guys are prolly like "Oooh airline concepts, thats so easy" Well. It's not. It's every major airline code in N. America, and the hubs of major airlines (i bet you don't even know what hubs are fool), and terminoly and itinerary planning and whatnot. It's supa intense, I'll tell ya. BUT GUESS WHAT I GOT ON THE TEST?!?! (I can't even believe my teacher already marked em all but..) I GOT FREAKIN 93%!!!!! And so I celebrated by learning the Thriller Dance :D

Which leads us to:
2. I LEARNT THE THRILLER DANCE! Oh trust me when I say that I know I am at least 20 years behind half of the world...but I think that I probably still feel the same things as those people...just 2 decades later haha. All MJ's dances are so much fun, esp that one. Now...on to Smooth Criminal (SO HARD!...SO FAST!...SO NOT MEANING TO SOUND DIRTY!)

3. So. As I've been talking about this for days I'll be pretty darn offended if this is news to you, BUT I got my wisdom teeth out this morning. I was weirded out to know that I wouldn't know what was happening (since they were putting me to sleep). But For realsies, as nervous as I was, the doctor was awesome and nice, and I got the IV in my hand, a mask on my nose and remember his saying "You'll feel it sneak up on you" (the medicine). And as soon as the words left his mouth I felt myself getting woozy like I was all of a sudden SUPER tired (like past 3 am tired). And then I don't remember a thing. I just woke up in my bed. It was pretty sweet haha. Like all the walking (to the car, in the house), taking of my shoes, I don't remember a thing. It's ...strange to say the least

4. Thanksgiving is Sunday/Monday. Well for us Canadians anyway. BURN haha. I just wish I could have the food :( Oh well I guess it's blended turkey dinner for me this year. How do you think Stuffing, Cranberry Sauce, Turkey Meat and Pumpin Pie sound together as a mush...? Yeah? Me neither.

Thursday, October 8, 2009

No two flakes are ever the same aka I can't think of a better title :)

Ah the first snow of the season fell softly upon us this morning. I always love the first snow, and hate all the rest of it…for the next 7 months :l It was actually really pretty…were it not 7 am and like pitch black out! Funny thing was was that I was thinking “Oh man yesterday was so cold, I think I’ll break out the winter jacket” And of course, I take one step outside and it’s coming down like there’s no tomorrow. It was pretty sweet though. It was just so…picturesque, if only I had gotten a picture…

So. Friday October 9, 2009. Tomorrow. Wisdom Teeth Removal. I’ve realized that I’m not so much nervous/worried about the actual pulling out of the teeth, as much as I am that I won’t know what the hell is going on for like a whole day (since I’m going under, and it lasts for about 24 hrs). So I can’t eat until then (when really after then haha) and….I’m just SUPA nervous. Don’t know what else to say, except that I think you know I won’t be writing for a while…LOL! Otherwise if I somehow end up getting on here all that will be typed is a series of unintelegible words like…kajshda9onla…BUT at least you’ll all know I’m alive! …Right!?

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Encore, Encore!

Quickly everyone, run out and somehow watch The Hangover, if you haven't already. I just watched it (dinner and a movie, for only $5!!! at Grant Mac) and there wasn't one second that I wasn't either smiling or laughing...unless I was horribly disgusted...and even then it was still funny!!
I knew it would be awesome, since everyone said so haha, but still I've listened to people before and been disappointed. But this time, by keeping my low standards (its a great suggestion btw haha), I was soooo pleased with it. Like AMAZINGLY so!!!
I think my eyes could've done without some of the nudity was worth it LOL!

But still, I don't think I'll watch it again for a few years...or at least until the image of SPOILER ALERT that naked Chinese guy jumping on Bradley Cooper is erased from my memory...oh...and that Allan guy in a man thong....

Even so, I hope they keep having these movie nights! You'll know I'll be there!!!

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Start here for MJ's Private Home Movies (that I'm addicted to!)


So, I have midterms. Forgive me for not writing but I promise I will.
Wisdom teeth out in t minus 2 days. HOLY FCK! I didn’t even realize that…
Anyway, I feel like life is basically good now! I don’t know why….the whole is better than the sum of its parts…or something to that effect. I might get a new job!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I think that’s the best thing that’s happened so far this week :) And that I got a 97 on my destinations test!
Alas, nothing witty to say. Well there very likely is, it’s just that my brain is full of airline concepts for tomorrow sooo….good luck getting anything funny out of me besides maybe Saskatoon is Sexy (YXE) or Prince George lives in excess (YXS) ….even then….if you laugh at those even I feel pity for you… KIDDING! I heart you for getting it! lol

Anyway in conclusion, I love Michael Jackson and have been watching his videos and home movies on youtube and distracting myself from everything else and loving how cute he really was…and…I’ve run out of them (not the vids just the home movies, which were the best!). Hence the studying. And the blarg.

PS Finally watching 30 Rock. I know right! Again…hence the blarg. LOL!

Friday, October 2, 2009

He makes my heart melt

HIStory Tour - Sweden - You Are Not Alone

Shut Up & Put Your Money Where Your Mouth Is

I need money. I hate my job. I got my first paycheck of the job. I hate the job. I wanna work somewhere else so bad. I hope the store where I dropped off my resume calls. I need money so bad though! I NEED A NEW JOB!
What to do.Sulk in my self made misery? Probably.
I have two midterms this week. And stupids booked me to work on Sunday. Could they have given me shifts last week? Nooo only when I REALLY can’t, they do it. Murphy’s law? I think so…

ANYWAY the bright spot in this hole is that I’m going to pick up my MJ This Is It tix tomorrow! Now only one more month…:( (I’ve somehow forgotten how to type month today. I’ve had to go back and fix it and even when I do it’s still so wrong.)
I CAN’T WAIT!!!! As you all know :)

I haven’t gone one day for the past few weeks without watching an MJ vid. This morning before school I discovered the HIStory tour videos. Mainly from Sweden and all soooo sweet! There is the You Are Not Alone one…omg. Someone from the audience goes on stage and hugs him for like 2 mins while he’s singing. Do you realize how amazing and wonderful and mmmm that would be to have him hug you??? I would freak, and then pass out….Maybe not necessarily in that order….:) But I wish :( <3 Oh well, “though you’re apart, you’re always in my heart”

I’m starting to sound really sad aren’t I….Well I’ll stop before this gets embarrasing. Oh you thought that was??? I wasn’t even breaking the ice yet!

OH and 1 week. The countdown begins. My wisdom is leaving me on Friday at 8 am. That’s right people Imma look my hottest following the removal of my wisdom teeth. Get your cameras ready! (Not really though. Please)

ps I’m totally putting a link to the MJ vid :)