Friday, December 31, 2010


HAPPY 2011 beauties!!
I think that 2010 was the one year that didn't feel as surprising when it was over, because so very much happened. Let me give you an idea:
Vampire Weekend
Costa Rica
OK Go (2nd time, met 1/2 the beautiful boys AND touched Damian <3 )
First Bar
First Bar in Canada
..Bar Star summer
Invited to a bar by a member of a band!
Met a lovely boy, that I still like after more than 1 week...! (Same boy as last post, in fact!! ;)

And of course, all of the little glorious memorable (and non-memorable haha) events in between made this year likely the best so far. I know I know. I say that EVERY year. But this time so much happened that I would be silly to say it wasn't the best by far. BUT I do have to add....2011 is already shaping up to be amazing: Going to Montreal 13-17 JAN, 20th Birthday..ugh, MBF concert and Hockey game 12FEB, Cayman Islands...dates pending now...But Oh. Babydoll. I can't wait.
And I promise, you won't ever fade into the background either. I will talk to you very soon.
I hope you had the best New Year's celebration possible and I can't wait to start this journey with you alllllllll over again!!

Thursday, December 9, 2010

Hey lordy lordy

Gad. You must think I should be locked away or spayed/neutured eh? But I'm just restless....and a douche.

I am newly smitten. Smoten? Smote? I like a fella, in short. I will speak no more so as not to jinx it this time...just wanted you to be in the loop my lovely.

I swear I will be writing more (and more detailed/interesting) posts v. soon <3

Have you been keeping up with so far?